Worship Ministry
Evan Wilson
Worship Pastor
Our Worship Philosophy
We base our understanding of corporate worship on Colossians 3:16, which instructs us to “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” From this, we understand singing to be a means of letting Scripture take root in our lives and encouraging others to do the same. We sing biblical truth weekly honoring both new and old traditions.
Aside from corporate worship, we remember that worship is a posture of the heart. As humans, we are always worshipping something whether we realize it or not. We worship what we value most, and our music ministry aims to lead the Church in valuing God above all and prioritizing His mission to make disciples of all nations.
Worship Band
If you play an instrument, we would love for you to consider serving with our worship band. Our band is made up of pianists, guitarists, and drummers who use their gifts weekly in aiding the Church to worship. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 7:oo pm, and we have a service run-through with our pastors and A/V team on Sundays at 8:00 am.
Anyone is welcome to apply to serve in this area! We will meet you where you are and give you opportunities to use and develop your gift.
Adult Choir
Consider this your personal invitation to join our adult choir. Our choir is open to anyone of any skill level. We meet together on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm to rehearse music, encourage one another, laugh together, pray together, and remember our calling to follow Jesus, grow together, serve others, and multiply disciples.
A/V Team
If you enjoy working with technology, then we would love for you to serve on our A/V team. Our team includes people who manage sound, lighting, and visual aids for our worship gatherings. No prior experience or training is required as long as you are flexible and willing to learn. In other words, there is a place for you to serve on our A/V Team!
We choose the Word of God over the words of people (Psalm 119:105)
We choose to sing biblical songs, staying clear of prejudice regarding popularity or style. We also choose to believe what God says about us over what people say about us.
We love and worship Jesus above everything else (1 Cor. 8:6)
Everything we do is aimed at pointing people to Christ. Above all, we want people to recognize Jesus’s worth and worship Him alone.
We depend on the power of the Spirit rather than our power (Romans 8:5-8)
We don’t trust prayerless preparation to sufficiently allow us to be Gospel-centered worship leaders. We pray constantly that God would use us, every week, as a vessel of good news. If God’s Spirit is not at work, there’s nothing our music can do to reach the world for Jesus. We seek to bathe everything in prayer.
We choose servanthood over stardom (Matt. 20:26-28)
Music — specifically leading worship — presents a great opportunity to be placed on a pedestal, and a great temptation to pursue that pedestal. However, what we do when we lead others to worship Jesus is nothing more — and nothing less — than doing everything we can to help others see and follow Jesus.
We consider others more important than ourselves (Phil. 2:3)
Any thoughts or words that are rooted in “I would rather we do this,” or “I don’t like this,” or “I don’t understand why I have to do this” should alert us to check whether we are considering others more important than ourselves. Jesus modeled what it looks like to sacrificially serve others, and we seek to follow his example.
We focus on character over ability (1 Sam. 16:7)
We are so blessed to have a team of talented individuals. However, we are more concerned that you are a healthy disciple of Jesus who wants to make other disciples of Jesus. More than anything else, we desire that you are spending meaningful time with god, accountable to others, loving others through serving, and telling others how to follow Jesus (S.A.L.T.). No matter your ability, if you’re not committed to being a healthy disciple of Jesus, your leadership is going to suffer for it
We believe every member is a minister (Ephesians 4:11-16)
Every follower of Jesus — every member of His Church — has been called to minister in some way. Each person has been gifted in some way to serve the Church and to reach those yet to be a part of the Church. Ministry is not merely the job of leaders. Ministry is for you. The world needs you to step into your calling to make disciples.
Rehearsal Times
Choir | Wednesdays 6:00 pm
Band | Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Want to Serve?
Are you interested in serving the Church with our worship ministry? We invite you to apply! Note that there is no application necessary to join our adult choir, but you are welcome to apply so we can know you’re coming. Apply here
Email us: evan@fbcsaltillo.org